Here's one way to change those desktop icons: You can still change them, however, you just need to follow a slightly different process. This is because they're default system icons such as the recycle bin, user folder, network, etc. You may have noticed that, try as you might, there are some desktop icons that you cannot change by modifying their shortcut. How to Change Desktop Folder and System Icons via Icon Settings The change will immediately apply to your shortcut, but you may have to restart the app before the changes reflect in your taskbar. You can find shell32.dll in C:/Windows/System32.

A lot of them are a bit outdated, but they should do the job. Shell32.dll has a number of in-built icons for Windows which may be useful to you for some applications. Navigate to your downloaded icon or open “shell32.dll” in System32.Click “Browse…” next to “Look for icons in this file”.Open the “Shortcut” tab and press “Change Icon…”.Just bear in mind that when you change an icon on the desktop it won't affect the Start Menu/Taskbar and vice versa. This shortcut can be the one on your desktop or the one on your start menu, which you'll find in C:\Users\%UserName%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. Right-click your app shortcut and choose “Properties”.All you need to do is restart the app after your changes and it'll show up on your taskbar with its shiny new coat of paint. If you're wondering how to change the icon of a program when it's on your Start menu, taskbar, or desktop, the answer is by changing its shortcut properties. How to Download New Icons from IconArchive We'll be walking through doing all of these things and more today, starting with where to get icons from in the first place. You can change an app icon on your Start menu or taskbar by changing its shortcut icon, apply custom folder icons, change icons on your desktop, and more. There are several ways to customize an icon in Windows without needing to use any third-party software. How Changing icons in Windows 11 and Windows 10 works To help you make your desktop more cohesive, today we're going to show you how to change icons on Windows 11 and Windows 10. Icons can be 3D or 2D and round or square, or simply just bad. While operating systems like Android and Google still have a general “style” for third-party app icons, Windows struggles to remain consistent. Windows has always had a bit of an icon problem. 9 Extra: How to Make Your Taskbar Bigger or Smaller.8 Extra: How to Change Desktop and Taskbar Icon Size.7 How to This PC Folder Icons for All Users.6 How to Change This PC Icons for the Current User in Windows 10.5 How to Change User Icon in Registry Editor.